Track Your Happiness: An Adventure In Data Extraction
In this post, I go over my first report from Track Your Happiness, a tool that uses the Experience Sampling Method for mood tracking.
My Report #
Charts #
My happiness is relatively constant across days of the week.
I'm happiest at the gym or in parks, with vacations and restaurants close behind. "At Home" is mid-pack, with "At Work" near the bottom.
Fun, exercise, and food generate the most happiness. Passive actions such as watching TV, commuting, and waiting rank much lower. Work is least happiness-inducing.
Whether I want to perform a task is a much stronger determinant of happiness than whether I have to:
I'm happier when outside.
I'm happier when alone.
Given that, it seems counterintuitive that I'm happier when interacting with multiple people.
I was also surprised by this one: I'm happiest when talking with acquaintances or friends and least happy when talking with family.
What Does It Mean? #
Even without considering the specific results, I have a few unanswered questions:
- What is happiness? How do I judge it at a particular moment? Is my judgment accurate and consistent?
- Is it necessarily better to be happier, or is there a threshold past which additional happiness doesn't improve the quality of life?
- Are these results significant? They're computed from just 50 samples, which seems low for drawing such broad conclusions.
- Do these activities make me more or less happy, or do these readings reflect my pre-existing mental state?
There's also the issue of those surprising findings. Am I really less happy when talking with Valkyrie Savage? To me, the most likely explanation is trust: around her, I feel free to discuss negative aspects of my life. Doing so would necessarily involve fixating on those aspects, which could account for some happiness reduction.
During this period, I was confronting doubt and frustration in my job. According to my personal data, I was also drinking heavily, possibly as a means for coping with that negative emotion. (It doesn't help.) Guilt is a potential factor; perhaps I felt that I was always offloading that doubt and frustration onto her.
The problem, though, is that none of these explanations are testable. They seem reasonable to me, but from a scientific standpoint they fail a simple criterion:
Upon viewing only my data, would an impartial stranger reach similar conclusions?
I can't see how they would, since my explanations involve intricate self-knowledge that is not represented in the data.
A Further Note On Significance #
Let's take a more critical look at this chart:
I mentioned that this data was drawn from a total of 50 samples. I'm assuming that these bars represent average reported happiness in each category. But:
- Which average? Probably the mean, but that's not made explicit anywhere.
- Where are the error bars? I have no idea whether the ranking is significant.
- How many samples go into each bar? Maybe "Acquaintances" and "Other Relatives" are outliers because I rarely talk to people in those categories.
This leads to an important point:
Never present uncertain information as certain.
Digging Deeper #
Consider this chart:
Am I happier when I'm more focused? It's hard to tell from looking at this chart. This is a prime use case for linear regression, but I don't have the data! They claim to have plans for data export, but I haven't seen those come to fruition. What now?
Data Extraction #
Fortunately, the chart was generated using the (now deprecated) Image Charts functionality of the Google Charts API. With Image Charts, you make requests to specially encoded URLs:
You can see what all those parameters do here, but the one I really care about is chd
. This encodes the chart data in the Simple Encoding Format. I'll walk through how to decode this data.
As it stands, the value of chd
is URL-encoded. We need to decode those %3A
and %2C
escape sequences.
import urlparse
params = urlparse.parse_qs('chd=s%3AaUXKPnmomsWw0tSQnXaVrk%2CslrjjuZtXvZotualhrmepm')
chd = params['chd'] # 's:aUXKPnmomsWw0tSQnXaVrk,slrjjuZtXvZotualhrmepm'
The s:
at the front means use the simple encoding. In that encoding, the characters A-Za-z0-9
are mapped to values 0-61 in a, well, simple manner:
def _get_simple_value(c):
if c == '_':
return None
if 'A' <= c <= 'Z':
return ord(c) - ord('A')
if 'a' <= c <= 'z':
return 26 + ord(c) - ord('a')
if '0' <= c <= '9':
return 52 + ord(c) - ord('0')
raise ValueError('invalid character for simple encoding: {0}'.format(c))
Here the underscores _
indicate missing or null
values. With this function, recovering the original data from the chd
param is a quick one-liner:
data = [map(_get_simple_value, s) for s in chd[2:].split(',')]
By default, the simple encoding maps onto an effective range of 1-100, so the last step is to normalize this and zip()
the lists into pairs:
def fitSimpleToRange(x, xmin, xmax):
if x is None:
return None
nx = x / 61.0
return (1.0 - nx) * xmin + nx * xmax
points = zip(
[fitSimpleToRange(x, 0, 100) for x in data[0]],
[fitSimpleToRange(y, 0, 100) for y in data[1]]
Done! I've packaged this up as chdecode, which also deals with the Basic Text and Extended Encoding formats.
Let's See Those Charts Again #
You can see the code for this analysis here.
Focus, productivity, and sleep quality all have minor positive correlations with happiness:

The most significant one is focus, but with $ p = 0.0927 $ it doesn't quite make the 5% significance threshold.
Up Next #
This ends my series of posts on data collection and analysis for dealing with panic disorder. In my next few posts, I'll talk about my plans for future experiments.
- Next: Don't Hate, Cross-Correlate
- Previous: Fitbit: APIs, crossfilter, and d3.js